Large Beacon

From Desynced Wiki
Large Beacon
Lua ID f_beacon_l
Health 1
Visibility 15
Storage 2
Size Other
Race Robot
Type Building
Internal Sockets 3
Slot Type None

A Large Beacon is a structure available to players.

Description[edit | edit source]

Large Beacons are 1x1 structures which support two Inventory spaces and three Internal slots. They are also equipped with two integrated components, a 2-range item transporter and a self-targeting deconstructor.

A Large Beacon is constructed with five Beacon Kits and one Circuit Board and will drop those items (and any held items and components) when deconstructed. This allows Large Beacons to be quickly and easily relocated without the need for a dedicated Deconstructor component or a bot with high carrying capacity.

Large Beacons' integrated Transporters can allow for the creation of dense production "blocks" well before the acquisition of Drones and larger Transport components. A radius of 2 cells allows the Transporter to push and pull items from the surrounding 24 cells in a 5x5 area. This can be optimized by placing larger structures such as 1x2 or 2x2 into the outer cells; as long as the building has at least once cell within the Large Beacon's range the two can interact.

Beacon Kit Circuit Board Large Beacon
Beacon Kit 5 Circuit Board 1 Arrow Right Large Beacon
Produced by
Construction Time
1 seconds
Required Technology
Power Upgrade Power Upgrade